Tag Archives: Brandeis

End of Week Links: SFMOMA, Professional Development & Brandeis Backtracks

It’s raining buckets here, but it’s giving me time to stay indoors, jump on MJ Writes, and share some links I have found to be especially interesting to me this week. If you have some news or links to share, drop me a line in the Comments section!

SFMOMA Rooftop Treasure Hunt Facebook App
As if we didn’t already know that SFMOMA is a pretty cool and dynamic institution , it is at it again with a  nifty treasure-hunt-esque app on its Facebook page.

DIY Professional Development
Rosetta Thurman shares 11 ways that leaders in the non-profit world can seek out professional development without waiting around for their organizations to pay for it. My favorite is #10: Ask a lot of questions, don’t be scared to approach people – take advantage of the people around you! Well said.

Be the Best You Can Be!
Hot tips on how to develop yourself as the best non-profit leader by volunteering, thinking big, and seeking professional development opportunities (see link above!).

Brandeis Backtracks
A follow up to the madness that was the deaccessioning debacle at the Rose Art Museum at Brandeis University. I believe it is an important case that will be used to develop the next wave of scholarship concerning museum ethics, collections care, and accessioning policies.